An informed and reflective approach to language teaching and material design

An informed and reflective approach to language teaching and material design

This book provides an extensive and accessible exploration of key features related to language teaching and material designo Framed within an informed and reflective approach, it offers a thorough discussion about the origins, educational philosophies, and evolving views of curriculum designo It then examines the key theories on language learning and teaching that build up our systems of beliefs and the way they articulate and shape our teaching practices. Drawing on key principies for material design, this book also invites the reader to analyze the meanings and messages that are embedded in the images we find in different types of texts, media, and social networks. A whole section is devoted to the influence of Information and Communication Technologies (lCT) on education and language teaching and the way they may also playa key role in our daily practices. This book closes with an integrative chapter that explains in detail the main phases we pro pose for a model unit design, which can in turn serve as a model for the construction of other teaching materials, for in this model unit we have made explicit the importance of articulating a sound system of beliefs to guide our curricular choices. Along with the theoretical discussions present in the book, the reader will also find three key features designed to provide a framework upon which to reflect, apply, and further explore each chapter\'s content. A set of activities provide real opportunities to question, explore, and act upon classroom practice with transformative purposes. This book is an important contribution to the field of English Language Teaching (ELT) in Colombia, as it aims to scaffold language teachers, pre-service language teachers, and undergraduate students in the process ofteaching and material design by helping them to become informed decision-makers in this endeavor.
Origins, Views on Curriculum, and its Application on Language Teaching
Origins of the Word Curriculum Early Characteristics of the Currículum and Foreign Language Teaching Evolution of the Curriculum
Currículum Characteristícs and Components Currículum and Language Teaching Time for reflection
Time for praxis
Time for exploration CHAPTER 2
Philosophy of Education and Curriculum Sorne Philosophies of Education
Philosophy as Critical Inquiry
Philosophies and Different Models of Currículum
A Brief History of Currículum Studies
The Practical Currículum (Anticipated Creation of Alternatives)
The Process or Hypothetícal Curriculum Conclusion
Time for reflection
Time for praxis Time for exploration
Organizing Your Systern of Beliefs Your System ofBeliefs A Framework for Articulating Your Beliefs
Time for exploration Conclusion Time for reflection Time for praxis
Time for exploration
An Overview on Sorne Theories of Learning and theír
Application in Language Teaching
Theories of Learning
Time for reflectíon
Time for praxis
Timeforexploration CHAPTER 5 Principles of Second Language Acquisition, Serniotics, and Graphic Desígn for Material Design PrincipIes for Designing Second Language Learning Materials Time for exploratíon Semiotics Time for exploratíon Elements and PrincipIes of Design
Conclusion Time for reflectíon Time for praxis
Time for exploratíon
CHAPTER 6 An Informed Use of rcr in Material Design Fears and Expectations about Computer Use in Education
An Overview of Computer Development
Use of rr in Instruction and Learning
 Emphases of IT and JeT Education The Network Era Present and Future Developments
Instructional Design: A Models-Approach Conclusion Time for reflectíon Time for praxís Time for exploratíon CHAPTER 7
Fundamental Considerations in Unit Design Models of L2 curriculum Time for exploratíon Proficiency- Based Language Instruction Content - Based Language Instruction
Time fOI exploration Standards - Based Language Education Standards in Hígher Education Time for exploration What Changes Are Needed? Unit Desígn Process Time for ref1ection Time for reflection Time for praxis 1
Time for praxis 2
Time for exploration
Conclusion References Authors