Great Britain in poetry. A brief anthology

Great Britain in poetry. A brief anthology

The main poetry exponents of the British literature are selected in this anthology allowing the reader to appreciate valuable selective material form the times of the twentieth century. Chronological and historical events are included within the biographical references of the main authors, showing the reader a continuous development of diverse English artistic expressions and new literary perspectives.


The wife of usher’s well 
The three ravens

Queen Elizabeth I 

When I was fair and young 
The Doubt of future foes 
On monsieur’s departure

Edmund Spenser 

Sonnet 30 
Sonnet 70
Sonnet 75

William Shakespeare

Blow, blow, thou winter wind 
Sonnet 18
Sonnet 29
Sonnet 35
Sonnet 60
Sonnet 71
Sonnet 116
Sonnet 130
To be, or not to be 
How sweet the moonlight
Tomorrow and tomorrow 
The seven ages of man 

John Donne 

The good-morrow 

Robert Herrick 

To the virgins, to make much of time
Upon Julia’s clothes 
Delight in disorder 

Andrew Marvell

To his coy mistress 
A dialogue between the soul and Body 
The definition of love

William Blake 

Introduction: reeds of innocence 
The echoing green 
The lamb
The little black boy
Infant Joy 
Earth’s answer
The tyger 
Infant sorrow
To the muses 

William Wordsworth 

She was a phantom of delight
My hearth leaps up 
Composed upon Westminster Bridge
The world is too much with us 
She dwelt among the unknown men 
We are seven 
It is a beauteous evening 
On the extinction of the Venetian republic, 1802
In London, September 1802

George Gordon, Lord Byron

So, we’ll go no more a-roving 
She walks in beauty
When we two parted 
Stanzas for music 
There be none of beauty’s daughters 
They say that hope is happiness
The isles of Greece

Percy B. Shelley 

A song: “men of England”
One word is too often profaned 
The Indian serenade 
To- (music, when soft voices die)
England in 1819
The flower that smiles today 
Summer and winter 

John Keats 

On first looking into Chapman’s homer
On the grasshopper and the cricket 
When I have fears that I may cease to be 
On seeing the Elgin marbles
To one who has been long in city pent
La belle dame sans Merci: a ballad!

Elizabeth Barret Browning

Sonnet 14
Sonnet 21
Sonnet 22
To George sand. A.Recognition

Robert Browning

Parting at morning 
Pippa’s song 
Home – Thoughts, from the sea 

Mathew Arnold 

Dover beach 
To a friend
Growing old 

Lord Alfred Tennyson 

The kraken 
Now sleeps the crimson petal 
O that it were possible 
Tears, idle tears

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

The woodspurge 
The choice, III

Christina Rossetti

After death 
A birthday 
A life’s parallels 
Sleeping at last 

Gerald Manley Hopkins 

The Windhover: to Christ our lord 
The starlight night 
Spring and fall: to a young child 

Algernon Charles Swinburne

A leave-taking 
Cor cordium 

Thomas Hardy

Nobody comes 
Cahnnel firing 
The man he killed 
New Year’s Eve 
I look into my glass
Drummer Hodge
He never expected much 
A consideration 
(A reflection) on my eighty-sixth Birthday

William Butler Yeats 

The second coming 
The lake isle of Innisfree
Never give all the hearth
The Gyres 
Down by the Salley Gardens
An Irish airman foresees his death 

Alfred E. Housman

To an athlete dying young
Soldiers form the wars returning 
When I was one-and-twenty 
Wake not for the world-heard thunder 
They say my verse is sad: no wonder 
Epitaph on an army of mercenaries 

Dylan Thomas 

And death shall have no dominion 
Poem in October 
When all my five and country senses see
Twenty-four years 
Do not go gentle into that good night 
“This bread I break was once the oat”
Vision and prayer
A refusal to mourn the death by fire of a child in London 

Walter de la Mare

The listeners 
The ghost 
The stranger 
The keys of morning 

Edith Sitwell

Four in the morning 
Street song

Thomas Stearns Eliot 

The waste Land 
I. The burial of the dead 
II. A game of chest 
III. The fire sermon
IV. Death by water 
V. What the thunder said 

Robert Graves

The second-fated
The blue-fly 
Recalling war 
Sick love 
The devil’s advice to story-tellers 
A plea to boys and girls 

Siegfried Sassoon

Suicide in the trenches 
Does it matter?
To his dead body

Stevie Smith

Alone in the woods 
Away, melancholy 
Not waving but Drowning
My muse 
Our Bog is dood


Internet bibliography

  • DC
  • Poesía