Literacy as a resource to build resiliency

Literacy as a resource to build resiliency

The purpose of this book is to document a research study on literacy as a resource to build resiliency with adults through dialogic experiences in the context of displaced populations in Colombia. The área selected is literacy, defined as a situated social practice and framed within dialogic experiences with adults. I came to this decision considering my own experience as a reader, in-service teacher, graduate student and new researcher, and influenced by the professional literature and academic training I had from year 2001 to 2004. The readings for seminars and graduate courses informed me about new perspectives of literacy that consider the personal, social and cultural situation of the individual. These factors, I believe, influence the way readers grow as critical individuals of ther situation in order to search for ways to transform it. I came to this decision considering my own experience as a reader, in-service teacher, graduate student and new researcher, and influenced by the professional literature and academic training I had from year 2001 to 2004. The readings for seminars and graduate courses informed me about new perspectives of literacy that consider the personal, social and cultural situation of the individual. These factors, I believe, influence the way readers grow as critical individuals of ther situation in order to search for ways to transform it.


Chapter One
Walking Through the Path of Inquiry

Rationale of the Study
The Research Design
The Nature of the Reading Club

Chapter Two
The Core Conceptos of the Study

Literacy: A Social Practice¡
Reading as a Situated Social Practice
Reading Transactions
Reader’s Response
Critical Pedagogy: Liberation and Empowerment
Resiliency as a Building Process
Forced Internal Displacement in Colombia: An Overview
Displaced Persons

Chapter Three
Sharing Literato Voices Beyond the Classroom Bounds

Dialogic Interactions that Involve Social Aspects in Resiliency Building
Adversity Factors Revealed Through Social Interactions
Learning from the Experience

Chapter Four
The Need for Resilient Environments in Education

Implications for Education
Final Reflection


Literature References
