Learning from Bogotá

Learning from Bogotá

Pedagogical urbanism and the reshaping of public space

"A thorough and in-depthinvestigation of Bogotá's much- praised urban transformation throughout thelast twenty-five years. By recounting the successes and challenges of two keymayoral administrations in Bogotá-those of Antanas Mockus and Enrique Peñalosa-Berneymakes a profound argument about the power of investment in public space and itssignifi- cant transformative potential in the contemporary city." -FELIPE CORREA, Harvard University, author of Beyond the City: Resource -Extraction Urbanism in South America"Criticism such as Berney's is fundamental tounderstanding the need for deeper, more profound, and more sustained solu-tions to socioeconomic urban problems that have such long histories."- FELIPE HERNÁNDEZ, King's College Cambridge, architect and author of BeyondModernist Masters: Contemporary Architecture in Latin America
  1. Nombre
    • Rachel Berney

    • Información de autor disponible próximamente.

  • AMV
  • 710 Arte cívico y paisajístico
  • Libros universitarios